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Aged Persons Mental Health Services (65+ years)
Target groupAged persons mental health services are primarily for people with a long-standing mental illness who are now over 65 years of age, or who have developed functional illnesses such as depression and psychosis in later life. They also provide services for people with psychiatric or severe behavioural difficulties associated with organic disorders such as dementia. Service componentsAged persons assessment and treatment servicesThese services provide community-based assessment, treatment, rehabilitation and case management for older people. The service is delivered through multidisciplinary teams. They provide specialist expertise in medical assessment and treatment, psychological, behavioural, social and functional assessments and a corresponding range of therapeutic interventions. The teams also provide education for consumers and carers as well as consultation to other service providers. APMH Nursing Homes and HostelsThese services provide a range of specialist bed-based services to consumers who cannot be managed in mainstream aged care residential services due to their level of persistent cognitive, emotional or behavioural disturbance. APMH nursing homes and hostels specialise in caring for older persons with a mental illness and provide longer-term accommodation, ongoing assessment, treatment and rehabilitation. They are designed to have a familiar, homelike atmosphere, and residents are encouraged to participate in a range of quality of life activities. Consumers may remain in these units for lengthy periods but opportunities are sought where possible to achieve discharge to a less restrictive environment such as a generic nursing home. Acute inpatient servicesThese services provide short-term inpatient management and treatment during an acute phase of mental illness until sufficient recovery allows the person to be treated effectively in the community. These services are located with other aged care facilities and/or general hospitals. In some rural services, aged acute inpatient beds are co-located with an adult inpatient unit.
Last updated:
5 December, 2008
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